We live in a fairly drafty log cabin (that we love) with a very warm wood burning stove, but it can get cold at night, so a long while ago we bought Pty a heated bed (what a spoiled girl). Penny has taken quite a liking to Pty's bed, as you can see. Penny is doing wonderfully, we have been working really hard at her basic training- she is getting so good at the stay command! I can have her lay on her blanket in the living room, tell her to stay, walk outside around the cabin to our laundry, change the laundry, and walk back in and she hasn't moved a muscle! She is very eager to please, and as we all know stay can be a hard one to learn. She can sit and lie down, and we are working on stay and leave it. We have had no problems with her and our cat, all we have to say is a firm "no" and Penny looks away from the cat and leaves her alone. She will be a great candidate for CGC (canine good citizen) and further training- maybe hospital visit dog training or something along those lines. Her eagerness to please people overrides her natural instinct to do what she wants to, which is a great quality in a pit bull. She is just a dream girl!