This is baby boy Bruster. He came to the Salinas shelter in Monterey county in the middle of October, and stole the hearts of the kind people that work so hard out there. He proved himself to be a little shining star from the get go, and had lots of angels working very hard to make sure this little ball of love made it out into the big world... We were contacted by a very caring and diligent shelter/AFRP staff member, who thought of us (so sweet) while trying to get him into a great foster home. Of course, we looked at Bruster's pictures, and it was all over- how could you say no to that?! So we picked him up today, and after a bittersweet farewell to his shelter mommies, he popped up into the car and cuddled up for the ride up to Santa Cruz. He bounded into the house (it was raining when we got home), and walked right through the living room, into our little guest room that is now his room. We put his big warm bed in his crate, and he jumped right into it. After a lot of eating, drinking and sniffing his new toys and new surroundings, he got to meet Pty. Needless to say, there was copious amounts of tail wagging, along with lots of snorffling (a technical term I have coined referring to a particular noise pits make when happy and sniffing one another). After about a hour or so of that, it was bath time, which went by without a hitch- no complaints about a massage in warm water from this little guy. Then, another hour of in the house time, exploring and hanging with just us, until his little eyes started to get droopy and we curled him up in his warm crate for the night. Its going to be hard to give this one up...