This morning was a little rough for Penny. She managed to get her cast off, on the right leg, the one she had surgery on. We immediately called the vet at
VCA Santa Cruz, and took her right in. How she got the cast off, we couldn't figure out, especially that she got it off so fast! She has her cone on at all times, but somehow managed to push the cast off with her hind legs. So we went to the vet, and they splinted the right and
recasted the left, which was getting loose. She is also now on a tranquilizer as well as her pain
meds, to help her stay calmer so that she doesn't keep trying to get her cast off. She had her
kong filled, her toys and a bone, but it seemed that wasn't enough- she just wants to be done with this recuperating time! So now she is
very mellow, but that is good- she can get the rest she needs now to get all better without getting agitated by her casts and trying to take them off.
Jared let her out and curled up on a blanket with her for an hour this afternoon, and that seems to be when she is the calmest and happiest. She licks you and fusses for a little bit, and then just calms down and snuggles up next to you. She is a lover, for sure.
The vet and nurses at VCA did a great job patching her up today, and we are hoping that we won't have to go back in until her scheduled appointment in two weeks (even though she loves everyone there so much!)
Great work! Fosters teach & test us much.