Pty has been taking this new household change very well. She has never spent time around a puppy before- Penny was 6 months when we got her, but by the time her casts were off and Pty and Penny got to interact daily Penny was 9 months and nearly the same size a Pty. Right now, Charlie is 20 lbs and Pty is 55... Pty and Penny used to play hard, and I had faith that Pty would see that Charlie is just a baby and not play so hard with him. Well, I was right, and when they are outside together Charlie chases around Pty, and Pty lets him, and she looks at me with the classic "Moooommmm, make him go away he's buuuuggginnngg me" look while she lets Charlie climb all over her. Its pretty cute. Charlie is doing great, he's had a few accidents in the house but he is great about sleeping through the night. Today he went up to the cat and when I gave him a firm "NO" he backed away from her- which is GREAT! To be this young and understanding commands, especially about leaving the cat alone, I think, is wonderful. I think he may prove to be fine for a house with other dogs, cats and children. And, he's just so cute!
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