Hi guys, Bruster here. I know my mom talks a lot about my life here, but I thought I should clue you in to what I think and what my days are like... I think its great here! I have a big cozy crate with a bed and 3 warm blankets in it, in my own room (!) that I get to cuddle up in every night. It gets really dark and quiet, and I know I am supposed to sleep all night, not like before when I was a baby and had to get up all the time. Then, it gets light out and my mom comes and wakes me up. Sometimes my dad is home (since he is a paramedic he is not here every night) but when he is here he lets me jump up and get in bed with him. I really like that. Usually I have to go out right away, and I am really good at letting my mom know that I have to go out by sitting patiently at the door. Then, its my favorite part of the day-Breakfast time!!! My mom gives me yummy high protein grain free food (how spoiled am I!) with something my mom likes to call "specials". That's usually cottage cheese these days, since dad says my bones need to grow big and strong. Mom usually sings me the breakfast song, and I do the breakfast dance to it. Then my sister Pty and I go outside and play, or if its raining mom gives us our bones and toys and we play inside. Sometimes mom and dad have to go out for a few hours, so I get to go in my crate and eat my favorite treat, mom and dad call it a kong. I love it. In the afternoon I usually walk around our town with my parents and my sister, which is really cool 'cause I get to see all my friends. Sometimes they even take me to the dog park, or my favorite place- the beach. At night, after dinner, Pty and I like to lay in front of our wood burning stove (its really yummy and warm), and sometimes I get so tired that I put myself to bed in my crate while mom and dad are working or watching a movie. One time my mom took me to this place called "the lab" where she goes to school, and I got to meet so many people! It was super fun, I hope I can do it again. Needless to say, I love it here, and I am working really hard to learn all the good manners I can so I can go to a new warm house with new people who will give me lots of "specials"! If you know anyone, let them know I am looking!
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