Friday, July 24, 2009


The kids have been spending a lot of time outside, the weather has been so nice (I call them my kids 'cause I don't actually have kids). They like to get up on our chairs when we aren't outside with them, and lay in the sun. It's pretty cute. Charlie is doing well, he finally gets the whole cat thing- he knows he can't go near her but he still likes to watch what she's doing. We keep a close eye on them when they are together. He has learned sit and lay down, and the next one (the most important in my mind) to learn is stay. He is lined up for his last treatment for mange next friday, and will be going up on the AFRP adoptions web page the first week of August!

I know this one isn't of Charlie but...

It was too cute for me to not put it up! This is my best friends daughter, who was over at our house while her parents were busy for a couple of hours. She and Pty sat on the couch and watched Shrek... there's just something so sweet about the image of a "big scary pit bull" sitting on the couch cuddling with a little girl watching a movie. Tear!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

after a long day of playing outside

all the kids... and me...

couch time

sleeping puppies=good puppies

Charlie is doing great these days. He is very sassy though, and when you tell him "no" he gives you this little bark, like he saying "don't say no to me! I say no to you!" Its actually quite funny, which makes it harder to get him to stop doing it. He is doing alright with the cat, he has had a few run ins with her and is just so interested... Jared and I are thinking he will probably do best in a home with not cats or small dogs. That being said, he doing great with Pty, who is SOO mellow with him, and pretty much lets him run and jump all over her. We are working on the talking back, and he has learned to sit. His mange is getting better day by day, and he is definitely getting used to taking baths- he gets so dirty outside he looks more brown then white!

Friday, July 3, 2009

big sis little bro

Pty has been taking this new household change very well. She has never spent time around a puppy before- Penny was 6 months when we got her, but by the time her casts were off and Pty and Penny got to interact daily Penny was 9 months and nearly the same size a Pty. Right now, Charlie is 20 lbs and Pty is 55... Pty and Penny used to play hard, and I had faith that Pty would see that Charlie is just a baby and not play so hard with him. Well, I was right, and when they are outside together Charlie chases around Pty, and Pty lets him, and she looks at me with the classic "Moooommmm, make him go away he's buuuuggginnngg me" look while she lets Charlie climb all over her. Its pretty cute. Charlie is doing great, he's had a few accidents in the house but he is great about sleeping through the night. Today he went up to the cat and when I gave him a firm "NO" he backed away from her- which is GREAT! To be this young and understanding commands, especially about leaving the cat alone, I think, is wonderful. I think he may prove to be fine for a house with other dogs, cats and children. And, he's just so cute!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Charlie's big day

Today Charlie spent the day with us at our best friends sons 2nd birthday party. We were hesitant to bring him, but didn't want to leave him at home alone in his crate just yet, so we brought him along. He played with around 20 1-10 years olds for about 6 hours, and he was WONDERFUL. All day long parents complimented us on how sweet and gentle he was with the children. Needless to say, after all that fun he was pooped! He and Jared snuggled up on the couch and slept for a few hours post party. 

We think that Charlie might only be a small part pit bull- he looks to be American Bulldog/Lab /Shephard with a little Dalmation thrown in the mix. He is definitely cute though! He is doing well at home, sleeping through the night right off the bat, loving playing with Pty, and learning all about living with a Cat...