Saturday, March 14, 2009


Penny had her 3 week check up today. She got a new purple polka dotted cast, so she is at the height of fashion. We have been putting socks over her casts to keep them clean, hence the argyle style she is sporting for spring. She got her stitches out of her tummy (from the neutering) and on her leg that they did surgery on. Everything looked good, so she has another 3 weeks and then she gets her x-rays, which will determine how much longer she has her casts on (2-4 more weeks after her 6 week check-up, most likely). She loves the vet, it is so funny, she is just so happy to see everyone!


  1. What a long road to recovery
    Bless your hearts for nursing her through it

  2. I found out about Penny from my 83 year old father who donated to help with her surgeries after the Monterrey paper write up. Great job with the blog to help us follow her recovery. Thumbs up for all your efforts and good luck to Penny.
